Interactive Demos

Elevate your product presentation to a whole new dimension.

Your Product Transcends Traditional Presentations

Conveying the functionality and key features of your medical device to potential clients can be challenging with 2D imagery or static PowerPoint presentations.

Elevate Your Sales Pitch through Interactivity

Interactive Demos are crucial for standing out in a crowded landscape. Your brand and product presentation play a pivotal role, differentiating you in the market, instilling confidence in your sales reps, and helping prospects grasp the value of your product.

A image of a man holding an iPad with an interactive medical experience on the screen.

Example projects

Content package starting at $7,000

Whether you need 1 or 10 pieces of content, we have a pricing package that suits your budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it typically cost to create an interactive demo experience?

The cost is contingent upon the extent of 3D modeling and animation required by our creative team. Achieving a seamless experience hinges on having a 3D model optimized for the intended experience. This optimization entails ensuring the model is lightweight and has a low polygon count.

Generally, these are the price ranges we have observed with our clients:
‍CAD model provided: $3,500-$6,500
‍Without CAD model: $5,000-$10,000

Can you explain what a CAD file is, and how can I determine if I have one?

A CAD (Computer-Aided Design) file is a digital file format that contains 2D or 3D computer-generated design data. CAD files are used by designers, engineers, and architects to create, modify, and analyze designs for various purposes, such as product development, architecture, and manufacturing.

If you're selling a pre-manufactured medical device, your brand must have a CAD file since it was required for the device's production

Are there any additional costs linked to Interactive Demos?

Yes, hosting the experience requires an app-free hosting service, such as SketchFab, which charges a monthly fee of $75 for device hosting. If you opt for our presentation management platform, these costs can be integrated into our licensing agreement with Nuvue.

How can we distribute the Interactive Demos experience to both representatives and clients?

The Interactive Demo experience can be shared through a direct link or embedded into your website. Additionally, if you're a subscriber, we can integrate these experiences into Nuvue's presentation management system for seamless access.

Give your team a competitive edge through Interactive Presentations

Schedule a hello call with Nuvue and discover how our Interactive Presentations can help your medical device brand create and deliver stunning sales experiences.