Cellmyx Nuvue Case Study


Established in 1997, Millennium Medical Technologies, Inc., DBA Cellmyx, is an FDA registered company committed to innovating, manufacturing, and marketing scientifically validated products for use in aesthetics and regenerative medicine. We provide pioneering tools for fat harvesting, processing, and grafting, primarily utilized by plastic and cosmetic surgeons.


Prior to partnering with Nuvue, Cellmyx relied on tools such as PowerPoint for their sales presentations. In a fiercely competitive market, they sought to distinguish themselves from competitors, streamline their sales team's workflow, and enhance client education regarding their product differentiators. Additionally, they used Dropbox for organizing and sharing sales and marketing assets, resulting in content disarray and the need to share multiple links.


Cellmyx harnessed both facets of Nuvue's services—creativity and technology—to establish a robust sales enablement system. They began by visually portraying their product narratives, featuring over 20 3D animations illustrating product functionality and key attributes. The creative team revamped their presentations, aligning them with the sales cycle and packaging everything systematically within our distribution platform. This facilitated easy sharing with both internal and external representatives for sales and practice development requirements.

Press on the canvas to focus and interact.

With custom presentations at their fingertips my team can sell more, faster.

Terence Kazlow

Former VP of Sales

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