Kim Scott, Genomic Life: A Sales Presentation that Grows with Your Business

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Who Is Genomic Life?

Genomic Life provides access to the latest genomic technologies, bridging the gap between current state-of-the-art testing and what’s typically offered to patients through their health care benefits.

We offer affordable access to the latest in genomic testing, helping to identify genes that may make patients particularly susceptible to cancer and other diseases. That way, they can be appropriately screened throughout their lifetime. We offer supporting services, as well — including oncology nurse navigators, additional testing to determine eligibility for clinical trials, and financial navigation tools for identifying available support systems — to those patients that do come down with a particular disease.

Our goal is the all-encompassing support of our clients, currently focused on cancer patients.

What Led Genomic Life to Partner with Nuvue?

We’re always evaluating new channel options, and we need to sell effectively to these different channels — all while remaining compliant with existing regulations and representing our products and services accurately.

This was impossible when everyone on our sales team was making and modifying their own Powerpoint presentations. Plus, we needed to make sure that our suppliers were talking about our product accurately and presenting it appropriately. Our product and business model make for a unique offering. If that offering isn’t positioned appropriately, it’s easily confused in the marketplace.

We can’t be perceived as an insurance company, and we can’t be interpreted as giving medical advice through our presentations. The medical field is heavily regulated, and we needed a system that would assure  control over our messaging.

When Nuvue reached out to us, all of this weighed heavily on our minds. We were also rolling out a new brand at the time and wanted to elevate our presentations to a more professional and modern look. I’d been searching for months, and couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for. We didn’t need a digital asset management system — that would be overkill.

The stars aligned, and Nuvue and I found each other when I was very eager to hear what they had to say. I was pretty desperate, but not just for any solution. We needed the right solution.

What Makes Nuvue the Right Sales Presentation System for Genomic Life?

What initially hooked me in was Nuvue’s ability to house a mix of fixed and editable content to include in our presentations. It’s exactly what we were looking for, and an opportunity that Powerpoint couldn’t provide.

Learning about the capability for pushing updates to sales content automatically was a huge bonus. We can’t have our team creating decks, sticking it in a controlled environment, then downloading them and using out-of-date versions from their desktops two years down the road. But, as most sales and marketing leadership knows, that’s exactly what happens. Automatically updating those decks solves this problem.

Further, as a marketer, I immediately saw the value Nuvue analytics offers. I can easily go back and see how much time prospects are spending on individual slides. That means I can understand how to best hone our message and focus on what’s most important — all backed up by the data.

The real icing on the cake is the fact that Nuvue isn’t just a platform. Tim and Manny had the ability to audit and redesign our slides according to our brand standards and we’re able to update and maintain those slides internally.

What Does Working with Nuvue Look Like?

Nuvue has been flexible, responsive, and great to work with every step of the way. They turn things around quickly and are always ready to offer a creative solution for whatever I throw their way. They’ve just been a great partner.

They’ve also done a great job of training our teams. Even those team members that aren’t primary points of contact have found Nuvue to be a great resource. Different people have different levels of comfort with technology, but Nuvue has always provided us with the support and the options we need.

What’s Changed Since Adopting Nuvue?

Our marketing team is elated — off the charts, honestly. Our designer is overjoyed that there are no more “Frankenstein slides,” and sales is thrilled with the flexibility they’ve maintained even while using a closed presentation system. Nuvue has been the perfect compromise between departments. Marketing has what we need and sales has the ability to customize as necessary without making fundamental changes to the content.

Whenever we’ve had to go back to Nuvue for a new, customizable slide or anything like that, they’ve delivered. This is especially important as we move into more regulated environments. Nuvue allows us to confidently navigate the compliance, governance, and regulation aspects of our industry. Our presentations look professional in a way that Powerpoint simply cannot match and we can customize without jeopardizing compliance.

We’re also able to sell into different markets and to targeted customers more effectively with Nuvue. We can edit our presentations and individual slides on the fly. We can even do calculations and real-time modeling for our prospects within the platform. With Powerpoint, we’d have to use some other kind of third party calculator or spreadsheet to show those numbers. That’s a powerful tool if you’re selling a product that has an obvious ROI, or you want to model the potential revenue impact for your audience.

Protect Your Message and Represent Your Business Accurately

If Genomic Life’s story resonates with you and you’re looking for a way to better represent your business during sales presentations, let’s talk. Regain control of the story being told and give your sales team the flexibility they need to close the deal.