How to Create the Best Sales Presentations for iPad & Other Mobile Devices

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You’re setting up for an in-person sales presentation — and suddenly, your equipment malfunctions. Your slide deck doesn’t look right, it’s taking forever to load, and your prospects are getting impatient. That dreaded feeling of tension and frustration in the room is exactly what your prospects feel when your sales presentation renders slowly, poorly, or improperly on a mobile device. 

The thing is, when you send a sales presentation to a prospect, you don't know what device they'll view it on. However, you can safely bet Apple and Android devices of all sizes will be involved as your presentation gets passed around to multiple stakeholders. That's why sales leaders need to make sure their team is equipped with fully-responsive presentations that render properly. Let's explore why it's critical to build responsive sales presentations that display beautifully on mobile devices of every shape and size – and how to do it.

What Could Go Wrong? 

Although mobile devices are deeply ingrained in our day-to-day lives, sales presentations have been slow to evolve. Most sales decks are built with legacy tools that are not so mobile-friendly, leaving companies struggling to keep up with on-the-go prospects. 

Is sending a PowerPoint sales presentation via email really that big of a deal? It sure can be. Many user experience issues can arise, and legacy systems have multiple limiting factors worth considering.


  • The size of a standard sales presentation is hard to see on mobile devices.
    Mobile browsers scale sales presentations down to the width of your recipient’s screen format. Typically, slides are scaled to 16:9, which covers about a third of your average-sized phone screen in portrait mode. That means viewers have to zoom in and use touch controls to pan around the screen, creating a tedious and frustrating experience.

  • Navigation can be difficult:
    When you open a slide deck on a mobile device, the navigational controls used in the presentation builder tool are not accessible. Instead, users must scroll up and down to navigate from slide to slide, making it difficult to find specific content.

  • A poor user experience can hurt your brand image.
    When users have a hard time navigating your sales and marketing collateral, it negatively impacts their opinion of your company. A recent study shows that 52% of customers are less likely to engage with a company in the future because of a bad mobile experience. Yikes!

  • Effective delivery can be challenging:
    Multiple things make it hard for a prospect to open a sales presentation on their mobile device. When sales decks are sent as email attachments, a prospect has to download the file, which can be painfully slow. And, if a prospect wants to share that deck with other stakeholders, they’ll need to forward the cumbersome file.

These files tend to be large, meaning they eat up the minimal storage available on a mobile device. Sometimes, sales decks are too large to attach to an email. Most providers limit file sizes to 25MB or less and require that anything larger is uploaded to a cloud storage drive to be shared, adding another step to the viewing process. Once drive links are involved, sharing becomes more complicated because permission settings can lock stakeholders out of the presentation.  

As you can see, legacy sales presentations and mobile prospects are not very compatible.

Why Optimizing Sales Presentations for iPad and Other Mobile Devices is Essential

Today, prospects are looking for immersive, engaging content – not boring slideshows full of charts and bullet points. Thankfully, modern technology makes it possible for companies to create compelling sales presentations optimized for iPad and other mobile devices that can easily be viewed and shared. 

Being able to design fully-responsive, mobile-optimized sales stories featuring rich content is a serious game changer for sales teams. Beyond creating content that displays beautifully, modern sales presentation platforms make it possible to control the brand message by letting sales and marketing leaders build presentations from a ‘single source of truth’ that can be globally updated in real time. Having this level of control is especially helpful for businesses operating in compliance-heavy industries. 

Modern sales presentation platforms also allow sales teams to see when prospects look at their presentations and for how long. When a rep can see that a presentation is actively being viewed, it gives them the ability to follow up quickly. Meanwhile, managers can use actionable asset performance data to evolve sales collateral by doubling down on what’s working. All of this data helps sales close deals more consistently.

Creating Sales Presentations for iPad, iPhone, and Other Mobile Devices is Good for Business

Sales presentations that aren’t iPad and mobile-friendly make a bad first impression, damage lead engagement, inhibit sharing, and, ultimately, create a negative impact on your bottom line. Take your sales presentations from clunky to sleek by investing in a sales presentation platform designed to provide kick-butt, responsive sales visuals that tell a cohesive story and look great on any device.

The Complete Presentation Platform for Modern Sales Teams

At Nuvue, we believe every sales team can benefit from a smart, modern sales presentation platform that makes it easy to build custom, cohesive, mobile and iPad-friendly sales stories that accelerate your sales pipeline. 

And gives sales reps, managers, and leaders access to real-time lead engagement data so you can make smart follow-up decisions. 

And gives your in-house marketers insight into which assets are performing the best. 

And, well, you get the idea. How can a modern sales presentation platform transform the way your team sells? Schedule an introduction with Nuvue today to experience it for yourself.Â